Now, before we jump into this, make sure that you are all set up. We need to be able to authenticate into our light. So the next thing we need to do is if we go to the API and you can do that by going to, and then I'm under authentication, and that's our first step here. So if you don't have that set up, pause this video right here, set that all up and you'll have the light configured. Once you have all that set up, so I'm going to assume right now that you have all of that setup. Once you have that setup, you're going to create an account and that's going to be your account with life X, and then you'll also need to, You just essentially set it up with your home Wi-Fi or your school wifi or wherever you're at. You're going to download the app and you're going to connect to it like any other, um, IOT device. I think they probably could've put the instructions sorta on the box and just called it a day, or just told you, download the app. Designed for Energy Star with an LED lifetime of 22.8 years they will help reduce wastage.So the comes in this little tube comes out pretty easy as you can see here, uh, just as the light bulb in it and a tiny little instruction manual, which you don't really even need. LIFX Mini day has an output of 800 lumens, the equivalent of a 60W traditional incandescent bulb with the benefit of only 9W energy use. Control lights individually or as Groups, set timers for one touch automation Experience how subtle adjustments in brightness can enhance the comfort of any room Connected Lighting for your space, time of day, and mood. Access your bulbs anywhere, anytime via the cloud

Offers full Lighting control via Wi-Fi with our LIFX iOS, Android and Windows 10 apps.

Simply download the app, connect to Wi-Fi and you're ready to go. LIFX screws in like any traditional light bulb.